The Arrow

There are no answers; only choices.

Jackson pics

Posted by thearrow on July 1, 2009

I’m back from my vacation in NJ/NYC, which was wonderful. I finally had time to relax, take it easy, have endless chats over coffee with Alt.L, see the museums again thoroughly, and in general enjoy myself. It was very hard to come back but I squeezed every minute out of my week away. It will take me some time to sort through and process the 700 pics I took but I’m hoping to do it soon.

Meanwhile, enjoy the Jackson pics I’ve promised. Please be grateful that I processed them in the two days I had at home between staying with him and going on vacation πŸ™‚

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9 Responses to “Jackson pics”

  1. Alt.L said

    Ai pus pozele cu Jackson!!!

    Vaaai, nu-mi vine sa cred ca ai si plecat and we are back online! A fost tare-tare bine sa te vad si ma bucur nespus ca am prins vreme buna la ocean. Weekendul asta o sa ploua 😦

  2. thearrow said

    Eh, la cafele, discutii, LOL-uri si la ocean a fost ze best. Am spart si eu valuri dupa pofta inimii (ca de inotat nu indraznesc decit la Marea Neagra). I can’t wait to post pics. Si eu m-am bucurat tare mult ca am avut o saptamina impreuna. When I think it’s gone, the next thought is, “yes, but you had a whole week!” I’m Americanized now; I’m only looking at the bright side πŸ™‚

  3. v said

    sar’na frumos! πŸ™‚
    (de ce nu indraznesti sa inoti decit in neagra?)

  4. thearrow said

    Pentru ca oceanul are un undertow mult prea puternic ca sa ma simt in siguranta inotind dupa partea unde se sparg valurile. Care valuri, si cind e oceanul linistit, tot sint prea mari pentru inima mea. Am inotat si eu un pic, asa, paralel cu malul:).

  5. v said

    aha, am inteles.
    (mi s-a nascut pe dinauntru un lung oftat, cu ocazia asta. n-am inotat niciodata in vreun ocean.)

  6. thearrow said

    Pai nu-ti zisei ca nu poti sa inoti? πŸ™‚ Doar sa te balacesti.

  7. v said

    pai, ce conteaza, ca oftatu’ meu interior nu stie asta!

  8. thearrow said

    Pai da, dar oricum tot nu-i vezi capatul, la fel cum nu-l vezi nici la Marea Neagra πŸ™‚ Te ia un fior metafizic (sau un oftat interior) doar cind te gindesti ca de fapt se intinde pe niste mii de kilometri.

    Ce emotii am avut prima data cind am inotat in ocean. Dar nu de la fiorul metafizic, ci de la faptul ca m-am avintat un pic mai departe, ca sa vad la vreo citiva metri de mine o aripioara verticala. Zic hait, cum naiba ajung eu repede la mal pina sa ma inhatze? Turns out ca era un delfin:). Neverzeless, mi-a-nghetat singele-n vine imediat.

  9. v said

    …incerc sa-mi imaginez…

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